爱情公寓电视剧全集演员表图片,拥有立式、卧式、卷绕、圆柱各式磁控溅射机器。产品拥有多项专利,可提供OEM及ODM。 适用基材有:微晶玻璃、云母片、玻璃、金属、各类塑料、PET薄膜、布、不织布等各种片材及薄膜。 Equipped with varied kinds of Magnetron Sputtering coaters of vertical in-line roll-to-roll and cylindric types we are engaged in thin-film growing process. This vacuum deposition has gained many patents and allowed us provide OEM and ODM for many years. Suitable substrates includes: ceramic glass glass metal sheet fabrics ceramics mica sheet plastics no-woven cloths and PET film etc.","本公司多年从事磁控溅射加。

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